Thursday, June 3, 2010

Keep Advertising in a slow economy

SO the obvious topic on most people's minds as we hit the halfway pooint of 2010 is STILL the poor econmy. And while it does show signs of recovery small business are still struggling and the weak ones are being weeded out as we speak. I have talked in the past about the importance of advertising to people with disabilities and the buying peotential that this market has. Unfortunatley in a slow economy the first thing that businesses often do is cut their adveritsing budget. I can tell you from experience that the businesses that continue to advertise or even increase thier advertising budgets are the ones that come out on top when the econmy bounces back. So get your ad budget in order and make sure to include people with disaiblities in those ads too!
Questions about advtertising to people with disabilities? Email me at anytime!

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